Humor, Raising Teenagers

Dude is the new Yes

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News Flash to all Uncool Parents (and those on the verge): When you say something to your teen and they answer back with
“Dude!”, don’t get upset—get excited. It means—and don’t faint—that they are AGREEING with you! No kidding! And it’s becoming widespread, so no doubt Webster’s will be putting it right up there
with “bromance” and “frenemy” in the very near future.

I’ve noticed it in Allison’s speech over the last couple of months but …

Celebrating Holidays, Humor

Trick or Treat, Smell My…After Shave?

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Ah, the topic of age and trick-or-treating has been in my life a lot these days. First, I heard the story on
the radio last week about Mark Eckert, the mayor of Belleville, IL, who has banned teenage trick-or-treating in his town (as some other cities have done). Although Belleville rarely
issues the fine for this, it’s $100 if anyone over 12 is caught trick-or-treating. I didn’t give the story much attention. Like the newscasters, I thought, ‘Hah—that would be a