Luke the Dog

Two Dog Nights, Three Kid Days

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Emmie with Ben Arffleck and Luke

The kids are out of school again today, for an unprecedented five days in a little over a week. This snow and ice mix is definitely giving North Texas some Three Dog Nights (for those of you that
don’t know, that’s Australian slang meaning, it’s so cold you’ll need three dogs to keep you warm—and yes, the 70’s pop band took their name from that as well). But in our house, we’re actually
having Two Dog Nights. A few days ago, our adoption was completed for a shelter …

Luke the Dog, Raising Teenagers

Mom’s Best Friend

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Animal therapy is a wondrous thing. Horse programs that assist kids and adults with physical and learning disabilities. Cats that help out in
nursing homes. Dogs that are trained to assist with an enormous amount of conditions, from blindness and deafness to Alzheimer’s Disease and peanut allergies—even those that dramatically change the
lives of hard-core criminals. I think another group that can be blessed by animal therapy is moms of pre-teens and …

Luke the Dog

Mom’s Pet Service

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It’s such a cliche’, but it’s true– all family pets eventually become Mom’s.  Over the last 15 years, I’ve become the reluctant (and eventual guilt-ridden) caretaker of two goldfish named Goldie and Glowy (accidentally killed ’em within a week of owning them); a long-haired guinea pig named Snickers (he lasted a few years– but eventually got a kidney stone and died, probably because I didn’t add enough fresh veggies to his diet); an anole named Colors (kind of looked like the Geico gecko– I dutifully bought him a bag of mini crickets and a meal worm each week…but I think …