Someone once told me that some teens get to a point where, in order for them to enjoy a family vacation, they need to take a friend along. While I think my teen would definitely complain less and might even pack her suitcase on time if she had a friend beside her, I’m not ready to “go there” yet, since I think our younger daughter would feel left out (not to mention she’d pester the teens a bunch), and I know my husband wouldn’t want to walk around in his pajamas in front of the friend if we all shared a hotel …
Category: Raising Teenagers
Yahoos and Boo-hoos
The Great Food Challenge (or Why I Wish Spongebob Ate Spinach Like Popeye)
Do you think American pioneer teenagers in the 1800’s ever sat down at the dinner table, folded their arms across their chests and announced, “I REF– USE to eat this disgusting salt pork!!”? Did their younger siblings push the freshly picked-and-prepared peas to the far edges of their plates? I’ve been wondering that lately as I ponder my kids’ food aversions, and remember my own childhood dislikes. Something tells me kids have always had strong opinions on food. I’ve looked for clues in the Little House on the Prairie series, which Emmie and I have been reading together this summer, but haven’t found anything. So …
Lend Me Your (Double-Pierced?) Ear
With parenting, the wrestling never stops. Wrestling with what to allow and when. When your children are younger, you ponder […]
My Teenager Was a Science Fair Experiment
Ah, the yearly ritual of the school Science Fair. For those of you parents that haven’t experienced it yet, get your kid started on their experiment NOW, even if they’re still in diapers! The deadline will be on you before you know it! (just kidding). …
The Ten Commandments of Teenage Girls
I recently did a quick scan of the book, “Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul”: 101 Stories to Open the […]