Blog Nuts 'n Bolts


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Time for a few updates, for all of you Uncool Mom readers who are dying to know the answers to such burning
questions as: Did my now-17-year-old ever get her driver’s license? Did she ever get a job? How is the exchange student doing now that she’s gone back to France? What was the outcome of the CBS
DFW Most Valuable Blogger contest? Read on to find out the answers, and other things I promised to “keep you posted” about in 2011:

The Diet— In August, I posted
spending the summer doing the Atkins Diet with Allison and how we were both having success with it. She stuck with it until
about a month after school started (it’s a really hard diet for a carb-loving teenager to do, especially when everyone around them is eating chips and pizza). I’m still at it, …

Blog Nuts 'n Bolts, Humor

The Unexpected Cheerleader: When Your Kids Support Your Blog

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It’s tough trying to blog while on vacation. But bloggers need to post regularly or they risk losing visitors as
their blog goes “stale” (in my first year, I learned the hard way after being sick and waiting more than a week to post—the numbers drop was dramatic and took months to regain) and so it’s good to
write some posts in advance that are “waiting in the wings” as finished drafts, so if you are “out of pocket”, all you have to do is hit “publish” when you need content and go on with your
vacation (or illness, or whatever). Only for me, it was hard to stock up during busy May (remember, next to December, May is the busiest month of the year for parents of school-age kids with
all the “end of year” activities happening all at once). So I found myself at Grandma’s house last week with no stockpile of posts, trying to write …

Blog Nuts 'n Bolts

Uncool Mom Featured On Mamapedia

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I’m very excited to share that a past post from is the “featured post” for today, July 29,2010 at For
those of you not familiar with Mamapedia, it’s a national website with all sorts of parenting and family articles as well as local advice and information. On its homepage and in its Voices
section, it showcases a different blog post every day, and also keeps the blog posts from the last four days visible. In addition, Mamapedia …